4C 2023 - 2024

Mrs Collins

Welcome to our Class Page. I am Mrs Collins and I teach the class along with Mrs Lambert and Mrs Lund.

To begin the year, our history topic will be 'The Ancient Greeks and their influence on the western world'. We will find out where Greece is in Europe and about the key cities of this ancient civilisation. We will also learn about their beliefs, trade and daily lives. In Science this term we will start by learning about sounds and the ear followed by States of Matter (solids, liquids and gases).


In English, we will be basing our writing around the short film 'Feast' then reading 'Planet Omar: Accidental Trouble Magnet' - a really popular book with the children. We will also make links in English to our history work by writing about aspects of Ancient Greece. We will continue to develop better sentences, ensuring accurate punctuation, sentences that make sense and trying to use more technical vocabulary and sentences. In Year 4, we would like the children to use Fronted Adverbials (such as Early one morning,), Expanded noun phrases (the wild, black cat with a piercing green eyes) and subordinate clauses. Children will be asked to edit their work to keep improving it. Through this we will also continue teaching children grammatical terms inlcuding nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Spellings are taught in school as is reading comprehension. 


Over the course of the term, we will be exploring the place value of 4-digit numbers, then adding and subtracting with numbers up to 10,000. It would help the children if they could learn to tell the time at home to support learning in school as it takes lots of practice. Every Monday the children will be completing their X-Factor Maths, which focuses on fluency in times tables and arithmetic. In June, Year 4 children must complete a times tables test to check they know all their tables from 1-12x. We have TTRockstars for children to use at home and the 'Hit the Button' game is also popular and helps build number sense and fluency.

Supporting your child at home

If you can do anything at home, please support your child by hearing them read as often as you can. We will try to hear them read in school and support their learning with whole class comprehension but 1:1 reading really does help them progress in all subjects. We will revise all the times tables from 0-12x each week but little extras at home will help. Maths homework will be sent every week to develop fluency in number facts and the children have half-termly topic homework activities to choose from.

PE this term will be on a Tuesday afternoon so children need to come in wearing their kit - plain black trousers, plain white t-shirt and their school jumper.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us on Class Dojo or use the lks2@etchells.stockport.sch.uk email address and I will get back to you.


Many thanks

Mrs Collins

Files to Download

4C: News items

Year 4 - Summer Newsletter, by Mrs Peterson

4C: Gallery items

#LetGirlsPlay, by Mrs Macfarlane

Freddie Fit Fun, by Mrs Collins

4C: Calendar items

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Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

Email | admin@etchells.stockport.sch.uk

Headteacher | Cathy Beddows