
Autumn 2018

The focus for geography this term is Italy and Rome (linked to the Romans History topic). The children will also learn about the countries of Europe and link this to the growth of the Roman Empire.

Click on this link to see an interactive map:


Spring 2019

Children in Year 4  will be finding out about where some of our food comes from. Children will focus on milk, orange juice, rice puffs. Children will work in pairs or threes to produce work showing the process of where the food comes from and what happens before it gets to the shelves in our shops. Some children will also investigate maize, rice, cacao beans and orange juice using the iPads. They will try to find out how much of the food type is produced, size and population of the country, what other food is produced, what is the climate like and any other relevant information. Once complete, the children will do an oral presentation to the rest of the class about what they learned about their food.

Let's Connect

Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

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Headteacher | Cathy Beddows