HISTORY- The Roman Empire

Autumn history focus - The Romans.

The children will learn about the Roman Empire and the impact of the Roman invasion of Britain. How it changed their lives and what happend after the Romans left.

Click on this link to see the growth of the Roman Empire: http://resourcesforhistory.com/map.htm

The maps show how the empire expanded from one city, to dominate Europe, Asia and North Africa but then decreased within a 900 year period.ppened

This link shows you what happened when the Romans invaded Britain: 


Two of the clips below are songs you might enjoy singing and there is a clip showing what happened in Pompeii the day the volcano errupted. We also experienced what it would be like to invade another classroom. 4M invaded an unsuspecting 4R, watch what happened. The video starts with a film clip of the Romans preparing for battle and goes into 4M's invasion, can you spot the merge????

We have had a visit from two Roman soldiers, watch the video that shows our amazing day!

This October is Black History month, we have been looking at the role Harriet Tubman played in leading slaves to freedom. She sang the song "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" as a secret signal to other slaves that needed help to escape. If they joined in, she knew they needed her help and she would guide them across the country, as she was a conductor on the Underground Railway. This was a route from Southern America to North America and Canada, where black people could be free from slavery. We are learning this song to share in assembly- see the video below

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Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

Email | admin@etchells.stockport.sch.uk

Headteacher | Cathy Beddows