2W - No Screen Friday

Class: 2W Year: 2020 - 2021

On Friday 12th February we had a no screen day both in school and at home. The children took part in a number of different activities that were much more practical in nature and had a lovely day cooking and craft making with not a screen in sight (except to take a few photos!).

We began the day by making Chinese Dragon puppets to celebrate Chinese New Year, these were very tricky to cut out but we are all getting much better at cutting into those tiny little nooks now. After this we prepared our own vegetables for our healthy soup. We had to peel and chop the vegetables into small pieces ready for boiling up with some stock cubes.

We then worked in groups to compose and then to perform a piece of music based on seasons. Two of the groups created 'rainy' themed compositions and one group chose to look back to Christmas to do one based on jingle bells. This is the first time we have composed or written our own music and we found it was quite tricky to follow the conductor in order to stay in time with each other. the finished performances are on the front page for 2W.

In the afternoon we used clay to create our own clay animals. Some of us chose to do real animals while other chose to make up a creature of our own. We had to use clay tools and to use 'slip'or watery clay in order to attach small pieces to our models.

When we had completed our models and taken a walk outside to look at the changes in the local area around the school field, we came back in to enjoy some warming soup and to have a play with our dragon puppets.

Let's Connect

Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

Email | admin@etchells.stockport.sch.uk

Headteacher | Cathy Beddows