Moving vehicles

Lesson: Design and technology

Class: 2W Year: 2020 - 2021

We have spent the last two weeks, looking at real moving toys and evaluating these, then designing our own using both the computer and by drawing things by hand. This week we began the make and the children have done an amazing job. For the first time we had some more unsusual designs involving cams to make the cars move up and down or from side to side as they rolled and have also had many different shaes and sizes of vehicles. The children have done a fantastic job of measuring, sawing, attaching and finally decorating then evaluating their designs.

Well done to all of them!

Let's Connect

Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

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Headteacher | Cathy Beddows