5L 2024 - 2025
Miss le Couteur
The Year 5 team:
Ms le Couteur (5L)
Mrs Keeling & Mrs Chappell (5C)
Miss Edge, Miss North and Mrs Shakeel (Learning Assistants)
This term we will begin our topic: ‘How Did The Kingdom Become United?’ This is a historical and geographical study of the struggle for Britain during the Dark Ages (predominantly investigating the Anglo Saxons and Vikings as reluctant neighbours). This topic will be host to lots of practical historical enquiry, purposeful outdoor learning and exciting role-play so we can really experience the lives of people from the past.
This term we will begin with a focus on the video 'The Present', which explores key concepts such as acceptance and disability-awareness. The children will be writing their own version of the story. They will be then following this up with writing a set of instructions.
In reading, the children will be focusing on retrieval skills to begin with: finding key information from a text and copying the answer. Then, we will be exploring different techniques on how to answer more complicated inference questions.
We will begin to explore the Year 5 AREs with a focus on many different place value and aritihmetic skils. We will look at the value of numbers and how to work out what each digit means in a number. The children will also be rounding numbers, ordering and comparing them. We aim to make Maths varied and active; we use games to practise concepts and the children love grappling with tricky concepts through their Maths Cats puzzles!
Wednesday: Dance (indoor)
Thursday: Invasion Games (outdoor)
We will post about our learning on Class Dojo, so keep an eye out on there to see what we are up to. Please feel free to message us there, too. If you have any questions or concerns, we are always on the ramp before and after school for a chat.