School Governors

Our Governing Body consists of Parents, Local Authority, Staff and Co-opted Governors. Listed below are the Governing Body members and their roles:


Mr Duncan Kerr - Chair of Governors; Diversity, EAL and PP; Pay Appeals;  HT Performance Management  (Co-opted Governor)


Miss Dawn Copley - Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee;  Pay Committee; HT Performance Management (Co-opted Governor)


Mrs Helen McMahon - Chair of Resources;  Safeguarding Governor; Pay;  Teaching and Learning Committee member (Parent Governor)


Mrs Cathy Beddows - Headteacher


Mr Pete Cope - Health & Safety Governor;  Resources Committee member (Co-opted Governor)


Mrs Helen Wise -  Teaching and Learning Committee member (Co-opted Governor)


Miss Charlotte Laurie - EYFS and SEND Governor; Teaching and Learning Committee member (Staff Governor)


Mrs Denise Maskew - Mental Health and Well-being Governor; Resources Committee member (Parent Governor)


Invited members:

Miss Claire Wilson - Assistant Headteacher; attending Resources and Teaching and Learning committees

Mrs Diane Griffiths - School Business Manager; attending Resources Committee


Let's Connect

Primary School

East Avenue, Heald Green, Stockport, SK8 3DL

Telephone | 0161 437 1792

Email |

Headteacher | Cathy Beddows